Salesforce Admin Interview Questions – Process Builder
Table of Contents
129. What is a process builder?
Process builder also allows us to automate the organization’s business processes quickly without writing any code similar to Workflow but it is more powerful and flexible than workflow and gives us a graphical representation as we build it.
130. What are the different processes a process builder supports?
Process builder supports three types of processes for automation needs.
- A record Change – Process starts when a record is created or updated.
- A Platform event occurs – process starts when platform event message is received.
- It’s invoked by another process – Process starts when something else, like another process, invokes it.

131. How different is process builder from workflow?
With process builder we can :
- Create a record of any object type.
- Update any related record – not just the record or its parent.
- Use a quick action to create a record, update a record, or log a call
- Invoke a process from another process
- Launch a flow—you can’t schedule this action with workflow
- Send an email
- Post to Chatter
- Submit a record for approval
- Call apex class or flow.

132. Can we have multiple if and else like conditions in process builder?
Yes we can have multiple if and else like conditions in process builder but we cannot have it in workflows.

133. Can we create more than one process builder for an object?
Yes we can create more than one process builder for an object but it is best practice to use one process builder and define multiple processes using conditions.
134. How can we create time dependent or Scheduled action in process builder?
There are two ways in which we can setup scheduled action in process builder
- OPTION 1 : When object selection for process builder select “Only when a record is created”
- OPTION 2 : When object selection for process builder if you select “when a record is created or edited” then on the criteria selection either select “conditions are met” or “Formula evaluates to true” along with Advanced option selection “ Do you want to execute the action only when specified changes are made to the record?”

Note :With OPTION1 by default all condition will have scheduled actions enabled

Note :With OPTION 2 scheduled actions can be enabled or selected conditions
135. What is the minimum time we can set to trigger the time dependent actions?
We can set minimum of 1 hours to trigger the time dependent action. This is same for process builder and workflows.

136. What if we want to trigger the time dependent action after 30 minutes?
- It is directly not possible but you can trick salesforce to achieve it.
- Example : Create a formula field that evaluates to datetime and write the formula as current datetime minus 30 minutes. Then create a time dependent workflow that fires 1 hour after the newly created formula field.
137. What are process versions in process builder?
When we first create a process in the process builder it will create it as version 1 and if we modify the same process later then it creates the new version of the process each time we modify the process.

138. What is a flow?
Flow is also used to automate the business process in salesforce , it is a very powerful tool. It collects the data and performs the action in salesforce.
139. How many types of flow are there in salesforce?
There are four main types of flow in salesforce
- Screen flow
- Auto launched flow
- Record Triggered Flow
- Scheduled Triggered Flow
- Platform Event Triggered Flow
- Auto Launched Flow (No Trigger)
- Contact request flow
- User provisioning flow

140. What is the difference between screen flow and auto launched flow?
Screen flow is used to automate the business process that collects data from users and takes actions based on the input or it creates a guided tutorial or wizard with screens. Whereas auto launched flows are used to launch a flow internally when a record changes or when a user clicks a button.